Sunday, October 19, 2014

Why have we not heard of the injustices of Burma?

Burmese Muslims, according to the UN, are the most persecuted minority in the world, where there were 5 million Muslims recently and now only 3 million.
So what happened to the other 2 million?
In the media, we rarely hear of the situation in Burma (formerly known as Myanmar before the country gained it's independence) on the Rohingya Muslims; these Rohingya Muslims are refugees and outcasts in their own home. They aren't considered citizens, they can't marry, are only allowed two children per family, cannot enter school, have jobs, worship freely (Mosques are closed during Ramadan and Friday prayers are not allowed), or travel freely; these rules however, do not apply to their Buddhist neighbors. They are very often victims of violence and crime and are seldom given justice by police and the government. (I think we've heard something similar to this before) As a result, many try to flee Burma, to Bangladesh where their ancestors are from, however are seldom able to get in, since Bangladesh will not allow them in. As a result many are sent back to sea, with no country to go to, and as many as 90,000 of them have died because of this.

So who is behind this genocide? Well, believe it or not--Buddhist monks, the ones who are believed to be entirely made up of peaceful and humble people. While this is true for 99% of Buddhists, the small group of Buddhists in Burma, run by Monk Wirathu, call for the persecution and extermination of Muslims in Burma and Rohingya. They burn mosques, mob Muslim areas, and even run concentration camps. Doctors Without Borders used to send aid and work in these camps, however were kicked out by the Burmese government, so there is virtually no medical aid to these Muslims.

Government officials have claimed that they "will not tolerate this kind of situation," however little has been done to help the Rohingya Muslims and the government might even encourage it by denying that Rohingya exists and calling these Muslims illegal immigrants from Bangladesh even though they are native to their land. The general feeling towards the Muslims in Burma by everyday Burmese citizens are hatred, racism and disgust. They regard them as violent jihadists, and if they aren't kicked out they will take over Burma. 
So basically, life is hell on earth for Burmese Muslims, and the conflict in Burma is basically on the brink of a full blown genocide. So why is the world ignoring the cries of these poor victims? Well, most people assume that because Burma has recently gained it's independence and is heading towards a democratic state that things are going well, and the international community only focuses on the positive reforms being made in Burma. Underneath these democratic reforms however, lies brutal violence against Muslims.
So what can we do to help? Well, various petitions are being spread all over the internet. You can find these here, here, and here. Donating money to humanitarian groups to send to refugee camps, and tweeting, blogging, or telling your friends and family is a step in the right direction as well. 
The situation for the Burmese Muslims are only getting worse if the international community does not step in and help, we need more international outcry and we need more people to get involved, and right now there is almost none of that.

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