Monday, October 27, 2014

The Execution of Reyhaneh Jabbari

Reyhaneh Jabbari spent 5 years on death row and was executed Saturday, October 25th after she was found guilty of killing a man in self defense who tried to rape her. Despite international campaigns and outcries to spare the life of her death, Iran ignored these pleas and went on with the execution. 
In 2007, Jabbari met a man named Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi, a 47 year old intelligence ministry worker. They met in a cafe to discuss a business deal for her to help redesign his office since she had been an interior designer. He convinced her to come to his apartment and while there, he had tried to rape her. To defend herself, she grabbed a pocket knife and stabbed him in the back. Sarbandi's family however, insisted it was premeditated murder since she bought the knife only 2 days ago.
Jabbari was arrested and put into solitary confinement where she was not allowed access to her lawyer or family and in 2009 it was decided she should be executed by the Tehran court. She claimed she had only stabbed him and someone else in the house killed him, however this was proven to be untrue later on.
Amnesty International, United Nations, European Union, and the Gatestone Institute contended for her life to be spared, and a global campaign postponed her original date of execution of April 14th 2014 to later on when it attracted 20,000 signatures. However on September 29th, it was announced that her execution was inevitable but would be halted for the time being. Campaigns were launched on social media and many humanitarian groups demanded that the victim's family take back their wish to execute her. Jabbari's family was never able to get a reprieve from Sarbandi's family so the plans for execution continued. Unfortunately, this past Saturday, Reyhaneh Jabbari was executed by hanging at dawn at the Gohardasht Prison, north of Karaj.
After her death, a recording she made for her mother before she died was revealed and it ensured she wanted to be an anonymous organ donor.

This event was an example of the flawed justice system in Iran. Instead of further investigating the case, she was put on death sentence from the request of the family of the victim.
Personally, I believe that it is not the best idea to put the decision in the victim's family, because when someone close has done such a thing, someone would rather not believe it and try to find an explanation in any possible way, therefore laying the blame on the other side. This side being Reyhaneh Jabbari killing for her self defense.

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