Monday, September 22, 2014

Islam means peace

Shocking I know.
But really, something needs to be said over the growing ignorance over 23% of the world's population, aka Muslims. If you've been watching national news within the past two decades, you probably know what I mean.
In the news, Islam, terrorism, and extremism have many times been said in the same sentence. Let's take this for example, when you hear the word "jihadist," you probably picture a terrorist in a turban with a gun in his hand. Which is fair to assume considering that's what the media calls them. But in reality, "jihad" in Arabic simply means the "struggle." When westerners use the word jihadist to describe a terrorist, they're giving a negative connotation to a very common word in Arabic.
Being a Muslim in the west is no doubt a jihad. (Do you see what I did there?) Especially after the unfortunate events of 9/11, where terrorist groups hijacked four planes and flew them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and killed 2,977 victims in the attacks.
Personally, I believe no group of people have been affected more by 9/11 than Muslims. Before 9/11, hate crimes against Muslims went from the second least reported to after 9/11 when it became the second most and went up by almost 1600%. Not to mention the approx. 145,000 Iraqi civillians killed due to military occupation by the west from 2003 till now, but we'll save that topic for another post.

Being a Muslim female, especially a hijabi Muslim female is a struggle, or as I said before, jihad. Many love to ask "are you bald under there?" or "what are you hiding under your hijab?" and the favorite "do you shower with it on?" I personally don't wear the hijab, but witnessing what many of my relatives and friends go through is definitely one that gives me some insight on being a hijabi. Many see wearing the hijab as a sign of oppression and restriction, when in reality, it is freedom, choice, and becoming stronger with your faith. Don't get me wrong-- becoming a hijabi is definitely a long process and a jihad, which is why I know I'm not quite ready for it just yet, but for many, it is a long process well worth it.

There are very many misconceptions about Islam, mostly brought on by the media, however it is my, and many other Muslims goal to shed a light on the reality of Islam and how it is a peaceful, non-violent religion that endorses feminism and women's rights. Muslims are just like any other kind of people, and the incredibly minute minority that call themselves Muslims do not represent us.

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